为引起家长注意 孩子或互生敌意。孩子若开始肢体上的冲突,家长不应置之不理,但不 鼓励采用体罚。 家长可帮助促进家庭融洽与改善孩子的关系,包括: ●避免在孩子之间作比较 ●不要总是让年纪较大的孩子让步 ●设立家中基本规矩(尤其小学低年级时期) ●多制造一家人一起享乐的活动 如果用尽所有方法仍无法解决争执,孩子互相造成肢体 伤害,或不放心让孩子独处,家 长应寻求专业帮助。 https://www.smu.edu.sg/sites/default/files/smu/news_room/smu_in_the_news/2011/sources/LHWB_20110729_1.pdf
Category: Articles
School Bus Bullying
Being bullied is distressing for any child, but the added element of a confined space makes it more terrifying. Experts shed light on school-bus bullying and advice what can be done to tackle it. For the victims, the fear often follows into the classroom. If they start the day on the Read More
How To Help Your Child Cope
True stress is an inability to cope with the demands of day-to-day living. Children may display symptoms such as withdrawn behaviour or temper tantrums and may also develop school phobia and refuse to go to school. Older children may play truant. http://news.asiaone.com/News/Education/Story/A1Story20100107-190264/2.html
Parents jump on brain-training wagon in bid to boost concentration and memory of children
Parents jump on brain-training wagon in bid to boost concentration and memory of children but experts express doubts about classes to boost concentration skills. Indeed, most of the time, the gains in these targeted skills are also short term. http://www.straitstimes.com/singapore/education/parents-jump-on-brain-training-wagon-in-bid-to-boost-concentration-and-memory-of
Preschool Pressures
Look out for are the physical effects of stress such as stomachaches. She added that the picking up of new habits such as thumb-sucking can be another indicator that a child is stressed. Mind Your Body, The Straits Times (Thursday, 7 January 2010) https://www.nuh.com.sg/wbn/slot/u2995/mediaarticlesjan10/MYB_7Jan10_Preschool%20pressures.pdf
Bedtime Routine
My daughter is turning nine this year and she still sleeps at night in the same room as us. She has her own bedroom and we have tried persuading her to sleep there, but she cries and fusses, leaving us no choice but to let her back into our bedroom. Read More
Kids’ Needs On Wellness (KNOW) Public Symposium
Guest speaker for Kids’ Needs On Wellness (KNOW) Public Symposium on 3 September 2011. Organised by the University Children’s Medical Institute at the National University Hospital 10 Questions: ADHD & Attention Problems in Children https://singaporemotherhood.com/articles/2011/08/10-questions-adhd-attention-problems-in-children/